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CMMC XEnclave™

We are creating a simple CMMC Enclave solution that is easier to implement, and easer on your budget. We simplified the Enclave, then surrounded it with services to make your compliance effort faster and more complete. 

XEnclave™ is an "end to end" enclave solution that has specific capabilities.

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 XEnclave™ Active Documentation™

Evolving Standards

The requirements for remaining compliant will continue to evolve due to a range of issues, such as addressing the "growing pains" associated with the new CMMC requirements and, more importantly, the ever-changing threat landscape. That means that it is likely that we will be initially certified on one version of a standard and recertified on another. We can't know what decisions will be made that will impact the requirements we must meet in the future, but we do know enough to expect change. We have designed the Active Documentation™ system to support multiple standards/versions concurrently, which should help with this challenge. 

Built for Security and Compliance

XEnclave™ Active Documentation™ system is protected using the same technology used to preserve and defend CUI and accessed by XEnclave™ Workstations. Extracted information used by Assessors will reside on their compliant systems. Each client's documentation is "signed" in a manner that supports traceability in the event of a data breach on the part of the Client, Assessor or other authorized party.

Integrated Documentation

Easer access to XEnclave™ information.

The XEnclave™ Active Documentation™ system integrates Client's and the XEnclave™ standard Practices, Configurations, and selected Evidence into an active view. This view is mapped to the CMMC Standards in a form that is focused on efficiently providing the information needed for our Clients and their Assessors.

We anticipate Assessors may request different formats and views of this information to make their processes and procedures more efficient. We will add standard Assessor "views" if we receive feedback from our Clients. (Assessors must avoid conflicts and our ability to learn directly from them (without conflicting them) has been made more difficult by their associated work rules).

The CMMC area is a living and evolving process and future versions of XEnclave™ and its Active Documentation™ system supports multiple standards and versions of standards concurrently. E.g. The standards version you are currently on and the version you are moving to for your next recertification may be different.

Client Data is blanked out and Inheritance data is incomplete